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CentramoClusterCOOPCluStratClusterPoliSEEACEUpGradeSMEATM for SMEsInno Provement

International project meeting in Guimarães, Portugal on 3-4 March 2020

Representatives of the UpGradeSME project partners participated at the 8th international project meeting in Guimarães, Portugal on 3-4 March 2020. During the two days long meeting, the partners discussed the implementation of the country/ region related Action Plans, which are one of the core outputs of the project aiming to  provide methodological upgrade of selected policy instruments in the topic of SME internationalization.

The participants also had the opportunity to take part at two study visits at Protugal exporting companies. The partners visited Bless International  textile design and production company with more than twenty years of activity in the national and international textile market with proven results, with the ambition of building the value of our work, developing it in a greener and a more sustainable way. The second hosting company was Guimarpeixe,  a processor, supplier and distributor of frozen food for more than 30 year in Portugal and worldwide.  The partners were also invited to the production area of the companies to see their operation.